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Rincón de drabbles de Miwo Empty Rincón de drabbles de Miwo

Mensaje por Miwo94 Miér Mayo 27, 2020 7:43 am

Decidí que voy a escribir acá de todo un poco. Sentite libre de comentar cualquiera de las cosas que suba si es que los lee, no hay obligación (en algunos solo va a ser una escena o mismo un fragmento, coso).

Mensajes : 142
Fecha de inscripción : 01/04/2016

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Rincón de drabbles de Miwo Empty Re: Rincón de drabbles de Miwo

Mensaje por Miwo94 Miér Mayo 27, 2020 8:14 am

[Pirate #1]

He made a pause, staring down into his drink before emptying the mug in one go. -To sum it up, you are insane- Calph said in a serious tone.

His long time friend frowned and almost pouted, his rather childish nature showing. -Is that really the very first thing you have to say about my proposition? That I'm 'insane'?- he did mark the quotes with this fingers, which didn't help his case. Calph was now even more convinced that he wasn't thinking things through.

-Did you really expect my reaction to be different, Marlon?-

-Yes!- he seemed offended and then settled down almost immediately -I mean, no, you have always been a stick in the mud- Calph stabbed him with his gaze- But you didn't even think about it-

-No! No, you are the one who didn't think about it- There went his composure and his yelling caught unwanted attention. After a pause, everyone in the bar resumed their own business and he scoffed, taking his voice down to a normal level. -Listen, we have been friends and partners in crime for over a decade now, alright? You are a goddamn good leader, now your way in the ocean like no one I've ever met before, and certainly know how to conduct a vessel and fight like a beast, but this is too much, even for you- He emphasized the last bit with evident concern.

Marlon sighed, resting his back against his seat. -It might be- he admitted- But we do this one thing and get to live like Kings-

The mischievous charisma his Captain had tempted him into deathly danger before and, apparently, was about to do it once again. He shook his head and sighed. -Fine- Marlon lighted up and smiled excitedly -Where do we start?-

-Well- he dragged the sound long enough to have Calph wondering what had he done now, causing him to frown once again -We need to complete the crew after many were taken. But as for the project itself, we need to try and get some actual information. I've set our first destination to the last town they visited-

-Oh?- Calph was surprised -So they touched port recently?-

-Can't really call it recent. Think it's been a couple years now-

-I feel we are actually chasing a ghost-

-We are, in a way-

-Word is gonna get around that we are after them. Some people might interfere. Not to mention that the moment the Royal Marine hears about this, they are gonna be after us like the plague-

Marlon cackled -Yeah, damn Cliff knows how to hold a grudge-

-I'm not one to side with the Royal Marine in most circumstances, could say in any circumstance at all, but you did cost him a hand-  the darkness the took the eyes of his friend reminded him that even though he seemed carefree and childish, he could be as terrifying.

-He should be grateful he only lost a hand and not his pathetic life- Calph decided not to push his luck. He usually had far more freedom than the rest, given they were actual friends and he was his first mate, but he wouldn't put it past him to retaliate if he overstepped his boundaries.

-So, where to?- he asked after a moment.

-Decklan. Northwest from here, a week- The first mate nodded.

-I'll make the arrangements then. For now, I need another drink and to sleep, since I feel I won't have a comfortable bed for a while- Marlon laughed and nodded, satisfied. Finding him had taken him long enough after breaking free from prison, but it had been worth it. Now, his plan was in motion and the demon smiled, making a toast with his drink to his new adventure before emptying his glass.

Mensajes : 142
Fecha de inscripción : 01/04/2016

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